Medical Spa
Colorado Springs
1828 Spring Water Point Suite 120
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
719-900-4736 Se Habla Español
Informational Sheets
We use some of the most trusted and valued brands in the industry. In the name of transparency we have supplied all of our clients with links to our products we use. While this is an extensive list, your injector will tailor the product best fit for you and your goals.
Frown lines form when facial expressions are made as the muscle under the skin contracts. Over time, as your skin ages, these repeated expressions cause lasting frown lines. Neurotoxins, such as Xeomin®, are prescription medications that block the release of chemicals that cause these muscle contractions so frown lines are softened.
KYBELLA® is administered as a series of injections to the treatment area under the chin, destroying fat cells and producing gradual results. Everyone's chin profile is different, so your physician will tailor*treatment to you. The number of treatment sessions will vary based on the amount of fat under the chin and your treatment goals.