Medical Spa
Colorado Springs
1828 Spring Water Point Suite 120
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
719-900-4736 Se Habla Español
Aesthetics By Age
As we age, preventative measures in our skin and appearance is something that is evolving and growing in what we should do at what ages. We treat to complete at Ever Evolving Life. Ensuring that you are doing treatments needed at the right times to age gracefully and maintain a youthful look.
To book your custom treatment consultation please visit our booking site and book for New Client Consultation
Your 20's
Preventative, Preventative, Preventative!
One of the things we hear the most is " I wish I would have known this in my 20's". At this time there may be slight and subtle lines, uv damage and hormonal changes as you have moved from the teens to adulthood.
Ever Evolving Life wants to help you maintain that youth with subtle options to maintain that healthy skin and preventative maintenance for years to come.
Recommended Treatments
(all clients vary)
Smooth worry lines and frown lines- Xeomin Injections
Soften fine lines on the sides of your nose
Lift and contour the Cheeks with Radiesse or Threads
Enhancements to lips with Filler from Revanesse Lips + or Juvederm
Cupids bow with Threads or Lip Flip with Xeomin
Smooth dimpling on chin with Xeomin
Laser Treatments including Morpheus8, Diolaze and Lumecca
Finally we recommend all Medical Grade skincare products are used as well as our SkinPen® series to aid in texture, clarity and glow.
The 30's
Your 30's can welcome gravity setting in and that 20's glow is diminishing. Collagen production in your skin naturally decreases in your 30's making this stage one of the most important for taking care of your skin! You may notice loss of volume, some more pronounced lines at this age. Building your foundation at this stage is imperative for maintaining and making your skin a priority for your future years.
Recommended Treatments
(all clients vary)
Smooth forehead and your 11 lines with Xeomin
Eliminate crows feet with Xeomin
Nasolabial Folds with Juvederm or Radiesse
Lift contour and define your cheeks with Radiesse, Voluma or Threads
Enhance your lips with Revanesse Lips + or Juvederm
Enhance cupids bow with Threads or Lip flip with Xeomin
Laser Treatments including Morpheus8, Diolaze and Lumecca
Finally we recommend all Medical Grade skincare products are used as well as our SkinPen® series to aid in texture, clarity and glow.
Fabulous 40's
Instead of preventative we are proactive. Rejuvenating your skin and appearance with non surgical procedures that aid in the aging process. What we typically see in our 40's is skin is losing its elasticity due to the elastin fibers slacking and loss of collagen, fullness under the eyes is diminishing and the volume in your face due to gravity is moving down towards the jowls. Lines also may be setting in and getting deeper as we age.
Taking your skin and management seriously at this stage is gaining control back and reversing those signs!
Recommended Treatments
(all clients vary)
Thread lifts, this can be cheeks, chin, eyebrow area. This can help pull up what gravity has taken to give a more defined and refined face
Smoothing forehead, crows feet with Xeomin or if severe, the use of fillers or threads can be combined.
Nasolabial folds and Marionette lines with Radiesse or Juvederm
Lifting and contouring cheeks with Radiesse or Juvederm or Threads
Laser Treatments including Morpheus8, Diolaze and Lumecca
Finally we recommend all Medical Grade skincare products are used as well as our SkinPen® series to aid in texture, clarity and glow.
Graceful 50's
This is the years where you are getting ready to retire. You have built the foundation for these years with a skincare routine and treatment. Your outer appearance should reflect the inner vitality that you posses.
In your 50's we go beyond just the skin itself. Loss of collagen, hyaluronic acid, fat, muscle and even bone can occur at these stages. Volume loss is one of the most noticeable changes at this age. With the loss of volume, comes the onset of more prominent wrinkles and jowl areas. You may also notice more lines around you neck, lips, chin and even your hands. Here we treat to complete. It is never too old to start your journey and turning back the clock one treatment at a time. We want you to feel refreshed, rejuvenated and a confident youthful looking you.
Recommended Treatments
(all clients vary)
Threads are our number one recommendation. This can help a variety of areas such as the cheeks, jowl, chin, lips and eye area.
Volume to the temple area with Radiesse
Volumize pre-jowl and jowls with Radiesse
Volume to cheeks with Radiesse or Juvaderm
Smooth Nasolabial folds with Radiesse or Juvaderm
Smooth wrinkles on forehead, crows feet with Xeomin
Laser Treatments including Morpheus8, Diolaze and Lumecca
Finally we recommend all Medical Grade skincare products are used as well as our SkinPen® series to aid in texture, clarity and glow.
Timeless 60's+
During the 60's and years to come the goal is to age gracefully and naturally. While you have built a foundation and been proactive this will be about maintenance.
Wrinkles can become more pronounced. This can be especially around the mouth and neck even when in a relaxed position. The upper face and hollows of the eyes can droop and show loss of elasticity. The jawline becomes more soften and more jowl like as well.
We want to be able to add more volume, bring that definition back to the skin and face, add natural contour and smooth and soften your wrinkles in a conservative, natural manner.
Recommended Treatments
(all clients vary)
Add volume to temples with Radiesse
Threads in the cheek, jawline, jowls, chin, forehead areas
Banding and necklines with Xeomin
Define jawline with Radiesse
Add volume and contour to cheeks with Radiesse or Juvaderm
Smooth forehead, crows feet, worry and frown lines with Xeomin
Volumize pre-jowl depression with Radiesse or Juvaderm
Smooth Nasolabial folds and Marionette lines with Radiesse or Juvaderm
Laser Treatments including Morpheus8, Diolaze and Lumecca
Finally we recommend all Medical Grade skincare products are used as well as our SkinPen® series to aid in texture, clarity and glow.